Monday, April 23, 2012

Lawn Species Identification - Why Bother?

A well cared for lawn is indeed a thing of beauty! Its pleasant colour, the smell after it has been freshly mown and how it improves your property value are all beneficial. A good lawn is also a great carbon trap too!

Knowing what species your lawn is can be very important. When it comes time to fertilise or to kill weeds which will almost invariably spring up, knowing your lawn type is so important. Here's why:

The most common kind of weed killer in use all around the world is glyphosate. It's also known as Round Up. If you use it around some kinds of lawns, then there won't be much trouble. If you use it around other kinds of lawns, you can expect dead or seriously injured lawns.

There are many other kinds of weed killer which are effective against many kinds of weeds, but they're also effective against that precious lawn you're trying to cultivate.

Weed and feed products often work by feeding the lawn with an unusual NPK ratio so that some of the usual weeds are killed merely by over-fertilising. These kinds of products are intended to be banned in some parts of the world for a variety of reasons, and that probably means that Australia will follow suit too some time.

Ready to learn how to identify which lawn species you have?

Drop back tomorrow for the next installment in this series.

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