Saturday, April 21, 2012

NPK Ratios in Fertiliser... and What to Do.

In our last edition, we mentioned the differences in N:P:K ratios and what their effects are. This time, we'll tell you what to do. 

Testing is the first thing that must be done. 

The facts about the garden bed or lawn must be established. Soil testing is a prerequisite. By testing the soil, you can discover the chemical composition of the soil. Depending on the test series used, the soil's pH level can also be discovered. Together, the N:P:K and the pH will give useful information which can be used to determine how the soil needs to be amended. 

Amending soil is a both and art and a science. Usually, people look at a soil sample and either consider it clay or sand or loam, and then treat the whole garden to amend it. That's a really simple process but it just doesn't work. Within any property, there can be a few different soil conditions which may need to be dealt with separately, especially for the different plants growing in each place. 

After all, if you're growing lillies out front, they need their own soil conditions. Likewise, those camellias and azaleas also need their peculiar soil and moisture conditions. When it comes to your favourite fruit trees out back, citrus and apples and stonefruit (peaches, apricots, etc) need different soil characteristics. 

Using simple methods, like the 'one size fits all' treatment we mentioned in the last article, will only cause probable survival of your plantings. It comes down to your desire for your plants to survive or thrive. Survive? It just means keeping your plants alive. Thrive? It means making the plants really produce fruit and flowers and to grow vigorously. If you're even a little bit keen on having a nice garden, then you want your plants to thrive.

Catch up with us in the next edition and find out about how to make your plants thrive, using simple science. 

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